![PSIS 157 - LOGO-01[6].jpg](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/7d8043_e6b297bf72e14bd48816639d86b27e05~mv2.jpg/v1/crop/x_36,y_0,w_2928,h_3001/fill/w_201,h_206,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/PSIS%20157%20-%20LOGO-01%5B6%5D.jpg)
Parent Resources & Reminders
Our team at P.S/I.S 157 wants to ensure parents have access with ease to all things they'll need throughout the school year. Below you'll find all links to required documents/forms, essential systems all parents must sign -up for , in-school & outside resources/materials, and reminders for future events necessary to thrive in our school community.
Resources & Required Forms
Find all essential back-to-school required documents in one central place. Here, you’ll be able to access and/or request documents such as: Blue-card, health forms, photo-release form, MetroCard form, & device request/release form
To access forms, CLICK HERE to sign-up for a NYC MYSCHOOLS Account which is the D.O.E central hub for all parents needing to fill-out or renew student forms
Getting Set-Up
Step-by-step breakdowns of getting set up to remain updated throughout the school year on your child’s progress. (MySchools, ParentSquare, & Zoom)
Click Here to Sign-Up for ParentSquare
Click Here to Sign-Up for a NYC MYSCHOOLS Account
D.O.E Policies & Updates
Keep you and your family up to date with Departments of Education policy changes, COVID guideline updates, parent need-to-know information, & more.
Click Here for Most Up-to-Date Chancellor's Regulations & Policies
2022 Parent Handbook
Our parent handbook is a thorough breakdown of our administration and who can assist you in our school, current student & school policies, and guidelines for P.S/I.S 157's expectations. This breakdown gives you direct access and knowledge of everything there is to know in our school. The handbook provides a step-by-step breakdown of following steps parent should take when in need of immediate help and/or attention with certain issues. Click Here to View the Parent Handbook.
Resource Manual
P.S/I. S 157 wants to ensure families receive as many resources as possible both inside and outside of the school. In this resource manual, you’ll find a range of help located near your school’s district that range from mental and physical health services to programs for you and your child to continue to excel beyond our walls. This is our team’s way of making sure every family is taken care of in ways beyond our grappling. Click here to view the Resource Manual.
Need additional support or have more questions? Click here to see our schools answer key guide & more.